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Milford Dentist on the Benefits of Cosmetic Composite Fillings

When you flash a smile, you can brighten someone’s day and even make an instant connection which could last a lifetime. Studies indicate that smiling elevates a person’s mood and can convey a sense of confidence. Many people feel embarrassed about showing their smile due to unsightly amalgam fillings or metal-colored fillings. Recent research shows that people with brighter smiles experience better job growth and even higher pay than folks whom conceal their smile.

Milford Implant Dentist on the Advantages of Implant-Retained Dentures

Living with tooth loss can cause embarrassment for many patients. Currently, gum disease leads the charge as the primary cause of adult tooth loss. A smile serves as one of the first things people notice during face-to-face encounters. Smiling conveys a certain level of confidence which can translate into better work opportunities and even relationships.

Milford Cosmetic Dentist on Safely Whitening Teeth at Home

Nearly every show on television features a cast full of people with bright, shining smiles. Hollywood doesn’t breed perfect smiles. Often, many of these stars require cosmetic dentistry before hitting the screen. Tooth whitening remains the most popular cosmetic procedure sought by dental patients. Yellow teeth can cause people to feel shy about flashing their smile.

Milford Implant Dentist on Bone and Joint Health National Awareness Week

As the population ages and lives longer than ever before, elements of the human body can start developing ailments. Each year, as part of a global effort, Bone and Joint Health National Awareness Week takes place to spread information about bone and joint health for people of all ages. When it comes to teeth, bone loss can occur due to a number of reasons.

Milford Dentist on the Appeal of Cosmetic Dentistry

Do you ever wish for a smile as bright as the stars? Many people with healthy teeth desire a more aesthetically pleasing smile. Whether you live in Connecticut or Hollywood, a beautiful smile could play an important role in everyday life. Your Milford cosmetic dentist, Dr. Mitchell I. Quintner, shares a few reasons why cosmetic dentistry can be appealing to people everywhere.