Between work, kids, and other responsibilities, the stress of everyday life can really get you down. You may find that you are smiling a lot less than you used to. Maybe you dismiss your lack of smiles as “normal.” Aren’t you supposed to be serious and somber as an adult, anyway? The truth is that you should be smiling just as much as your kids! In fact, repeated studies show that smiling can have a positive impact on nearly every aspect of your life. However, like many adults, you may be embarrassed by your smile. If you find yourself hiding your grin, a visit to your cosmetic dentist in Milford can put a smile back on your face, boosting your health, happiness, and total wellbeing.
Reasons to Smile
Smiling is not just for photos! If you find yourself smiling less, here are five reasons to turn that frown upside down.
1. Smiling makes you feel happier.
Dozens of studies have shown that smiling really does make you feel good, although researchers are still trying to discover exactly why that is. Some suggest that smiling raises your brain’s levels of serotonin, the chemical that acts as a natural anti-depressant. Dr. Robert Zajonc, a psychologist at the University of Michigan, posits that smiling raises the temperature of blood flowing to the brain. These warmer temperatures affect the region of the brain that controls mood and emotion.
2. Smiling helps you cope with stress.
In addition to boosting your mood, smiling can also help you to control anxiety. Smiling releases neuropeptides, molecules that allow the brain to communicate with the rest of the body. Additionally, smiling releases dopamine, endorphins, and, as stated above, serotonin. All of these chemicals help to lower heart rate, reduce blood pressure, and control anxiety.
3. Smiling makes others feel happier.
You’ve heard the phrase, “Laughter is contagious.” Well, it turns out that smiles are contagious, too. Smiling stimulates the cingulated cotex, a part of the brain that responds to stimuli unconsciously. Therefore, when you smile at someone, their brain automatically prompts them to smile back.
4. Smiling at work can boost your career.
When you smile at work, employers are likely to take notice. In turn, perceived happy employees are more likely to receive promotions and other opportunities. Additionally, because smiling really does make you happier, you are more likely to feel excited and stimulated by your job than your non-smiling coworkers.
5. You are attractive when you smile.
Trouble getting a date? Try smiling! One study at the University of Aberdeen showed that both men and women are more attracted to people who smile. This may be because smiling stimulates your orbitofrontal cortex, the part of your brain that recognizes rewards. When you see someone smiling at you, you feel like you are being given a gift!
Embarrassed by Your Smile?
Even if you are convinced of the power of a smile, if you are self-conscious about your teeth, you are unlikely to change your close-lipped way of life. Fortunately, at Sensitive Care Dentistry, we offer a wide range of cosmetic options to improve your smile and confidence. When you choose a procedure such as teeth whitening, bonding, or veneers, you will find yourself smiling more, feeling happier, and genuinely affecting those around you.
To learn more about our cosmetic procedures or to schedule your consultation, contact us today at 203-878-6699. We proudly serve patients in Milford and the surrounding areas.