Do you have a white smile that you love to show off? If so, what do you do to preserve it? Many things can remove the shine from a smile, including harmful bacteria and dark pigments. Therefore, if you are serious about preserving the color of your teeth, a dental cleaning can be a powerful ally. To learn more about how dental cleanings can help prevent yellowing, read the explanation below from your Milford dentist, Dr. Mitchell I. Quintner.
Bacteria, Plaque, and Tooth Decay
Some of the biggest enemies of your teeth are bacteria. These bacteria feed on any lingering sugars in the mouth, and when they do, they give off an acid byproduct that can damage teeth. This acid can strip the enamel from teeth, exposing the layer beneath called dentin. Unfortunately, while enamel is hard and white, dentin is softer and of a yellowish hue. Thus, when bacteria succeed in removing the enamel from teeth, they also succeed in discoloring teeth.
However, the problems do not end there. Bacteria are much more effective in attacking when they attach themselves to teeth. To do this, bacteria form plaque (a clear, sticky substance) and tartar (hardened plaque). Once adhered to teeth, bacteria can do damage in a concentrated area, and over time, a cavity can develop.
Dental Cleanings vs. Plaque and Tartar
Because plaque and tartar are sometimes difficult to remove from teeth, dental cleanings can be a major weapon in the fight against bacteria. During a dental cleaning, a hygienist can use special instruments to scrape away plaque and tartar. Once the hygienist scrapes away these bacteria-ridden substances, the risk of tooth decay lowers, and bacteria are less likely to be able to strip away the enamel from teeth.
Schedule a Visit with Your Milford Cosmetic Dentist
Are you past due for a dental cleaning? If more than six months have passed since your last dental visit, contact your Milford cosmetic dentist, Dr. Quintner, today to schedule an appointment or a consultation by calling 203-878-6699. We proudly serve the 06460 area and welcome patients from Milford, Orange, Woodmont, West Haven, and all neighboring communities.