When you are looking for a dramatically improved smile, you may immediately assume you will need to undergo several treatments and procedures. Before you get ahead of yourself, ask yourself how much you truly know about porcelain veneers. You probably know the beautiful celebrity smiles you envy are often the result of porcelain veneers. However, you may not realize just how dramatically this treatment can improve your smile, as well. Before you throw your hands up in frustration, consider the way one dental veneer, several dental veneers, or a mouth full of dental veneers, completed at our Milford practice, may solve your teeth concerns with a beautiful finish. Quiz your knowledge and take a look at your answers – the benefits of a dental veneer may surprise you.
The Quiz
- True or False: A dental veneer can camouflage a wide variety of imperfections, including discoloration, a chip, a crack, spaces between teeth, and even an awkward size or shape.
- True or False: Using more than one porcelain veneer – typically a full set – can improve the alignment of my teeth.
- True or False: A porcelain veneer will obviously look like an artificial tooth.
- True or False: Dental veneers are extremely fragile.
Answer Key
- True. If your tooth – or teeth – reflects one or several imperfections, a dental veneer can address several problems at once. This is why your dentist may suggest porcelain veneers if you are looking for a way to achieve a smile makeover with a single treatment.
- True. In many cases, if you have mild misalignment issues, porcelain veneers may create a more uniform, streamlined smile. You can achieve the appearance of a straight, white smile, without bleaching or orthodontics.
- False. Dental veneers are prized for their incredibly realistic appearance. Unlike dental bonding, which coats your tooth with an opaque white layer, veneers look natural. Why? Because your dentist will send the impression of your teeth to a master ceramicist, who will create a custom-fitted ceramic shell that blends seamlessly with your teeth. The dental veneers is crafted out of translucent ceramic, so you will barely be able to see your teeth shining through. Your natural teeth are made up of several translucent layers, as well.
- False. They are extremely thin, but they are almost as durable as your natural teeth. One of their valuable traits is also their ability to resist stains. While you may need to avoid crunching on ice or using abrasive toothpastes, veneers may last a lifetime if you treat them with care.
Are you looking for a way to improve the appearance of your smile while maintaining a natural appearance? Contact your Milford dentist today to schedule a consultation by calling 203-878-6699. At Sensitive Care Cosmetic & Family Dentistry, we proudly serve the Milford area and surrounding communities.