Dental Implants Prevent Dental Health Issues
In our last dental implant blog we discussed how missing teeth can lead to bigger dental problems from misaligned bite to excessive tooth wear. Missing teeth can leave a gap open for tooth drifting. When teeth are out of place, you are more likely to suffer from bruxism (chronic teeth grinding) or TMJ disorder (issues with jaw muscle pain). Even worse, untreated tooth loss increases your chances of losing even more teeth in the next four years. Dental implants put a stop to all of these problems. By replacing a missing tooth with a solid dental restoration, you can avoid the painful aftereffects of tooth loss.
Dental Implants Look and Feel Like Natural Teeth
An optimal dental restoration should not only look realistic, but also function the same as a natural tooth. Dental implants offer the benefits of discretion and security at the same time. You and your Milford dentist may be the only ones who know you have had dental work because dental implants look so much like your surrounding teeth. Aside from aesthetics, dental implants also provide the security of a natural tooth. Since the biocompatible rod is implanted into your jawbone, you can enjoy the same security as if your tooth replacement has tooth roots. No more messy denture pastes or worrying about your dental prosthetic slipping.
Dental Implants Are Convenient and Durable
Enjoy flossing and brushing your dental implant as you would your natural teeth. These fixed dental prosthetics do not require removal at night to soak in a cleaning solution like dentures. Simply brush your teeth and floss twice daily while scheduling regular dental cleanings and checkups. Our Milford dentists can help you ensure the success of your dental implants for years to come.
Dental Implants in Milford
For more information about replacing missing teeth with dental implants, implant dentures, or other dental restorations, contact our Milford dental office. You can schedule a dental implant consultation with our Milford dentists by calling Sensitive Care Cosmetic and Family Dentistry at (203) 878-6699.