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Milford Dentist Challenges You to a Quiz on Dental Implants

A lost tooth can trigger all kinds of emotions, fear and panic being foremost among them. Fortunately, modern dentistry has developed a tooth-replacement method that offers both a realistic look and a realistic feel. This method is called a dental implant, and it is often referred to as the gold standard of tooth-replacement methods. Take this quiz from your Milford dentist, Dr. Mitchell I. Quintner, and see what else you find out about dental implants.

Take the Quiz

  1. True or False: Dental implants are very sturdy because they attach to nearby teeth.
  2. True or False: Dental implants can improve the health of the jawbone.
  3. True or False: Dental implants can be used to stabilize dentures.

Check Your Answers

  1. False. Dental implants are very sturdy, but they do not gain their stability from nearby teeth. Instead, the titanium post of the dental implant is surgically inserted into the jawbone, where it fuses with the bone to provide a stable base for the prosthetic tooth. The presence of the post in the jawbone also lends a dental implant restoration a more natural feel because, like a natural tooth, its root is in the jaw.
  2. True. Because the titanium post is in the jawbone, it can act like a natural tooth and transmit the forces of biting and chewing to the bone cells. Without these forces, bone cells receive no stimulation, resulting in a loss of bone density. With the forces, however, bone density increases, leaving patients with a healthier jawbone.
  3. True. One of the major complains of denture wearers is the improper fits that cause them to slide around the mouth. Dental implants can prevent any sliding by acting as anchors for the dentures. With the dentures held firmly in place, denture patients can experience greater comfort and fewer frustrations.

Dental Implants from Your Milford Dentist

Are you missing a tooth? Dental implants can provide you with a functional and lifelike restoration. Contact our 06460 dentist office to schedule an appointment or a consultation with your Milford dentist, Dr. Quintner, today by calling 203-878-6699. We proudly serve the 06460 area and welcome patients from Milford, Orange, Woodmont, West Haven, and all neighboring communities.