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How Tooth-Colored Fillings Treat Cavities Better

By the time you reach middle age, there’s a high chance that you will experience a cavity (tooth decay) in at least one of your teeth. Though they are highly preventable, cavities affect the majority of adults and children in the United States to varying degrees, from mild to severe. In most cases, a dental filling can stop a minor cavity from becoming serious. However, the material used for the filling may determine the restoration’s long-term success at holding back the tooth infection. For best results, we typically recommend tooth-colored fillings, which can treat cavities better and more successfully than metal amalgam fillings.

It’s What’s Inside that Counts

Composite resin is a putty-like mixture of acrylic and glass-like particles, the color of which can be custom-tinted to match your natural tooth’s structure. The purpose of a dental filling is to protect the exposed interior of the tooth (a cavity is a hole) from infectious oral bacteria. After the tooth is cleaned, the filling can conform to the hole’s shape and restore the lost tooth structure. Unlike metal amalgam, the resin of a tooth-colored filling can be bonded to the tooth’s interior structure, creating a tighter seal against decay-inducing oral bacteria.

What If You Already Have a Metal Filling?

Patients with one or more metal fillings are often at a higher risk of dental filling failure due to a number of factors. Besides the lack of a strong bond between the restoration and your tooth, metal might also change its shape slightly when exposed to hot and cold temperatures. Unfortunately, your tooth cannot accommodate the changing shape of a metal filling, and could become damaged or re-infected. If your metal filling fails, or if you’d like to reduce the risks of having to once again treat a cavity in the same tooth, then speak with us today about the benefits and possibility of replacing your amalgam with a tooth-colored filling.

To learn more, schedule an appointment by calling (203) 878-6699. The specialists at Sensitive Care Cosmetic & Family Dentistry proudly serve patients and their families in Milford, Stratford, West Haven, New Haven, and all surrounding communities.