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Root Canal vs. Extraction, from Your Milford Dentist

A tooth infection is no walk in the park. Constant discomfort and difficulty chewing can make you irritable and leave a bad taste in your mouth. That unpleasant flavor occurs when infection spreads to the roots and creates pus-filled pockets. This occurrence signals an abscessed tooth, which means your tooth nerve, or pulp, has somehow been damaged. Some people think that treating interior damage to teeth will ultimately result in tooth extraction. A root canal provides a simple, viable option for stopping a tooth infection from killing your tooth and spreading to surrounding tissues. In this article, Milford cosmetic dentist Dr. Mitchell I. Quintner explains how a root canal can save your tooth.

Tooth Extraction

Simply put, tooth extraction removes a tooth, root and all. Maybe the tooth was too badly damaged to attempt restoration. Perhaps the threat of spreading infection necessitated extraction. In either case, an empty tooth socket spells even more trouble for your mouth. Without a tooth root, jawbone could lose density, as natural teeth trigger delivery of essential minerals, like calcium and phosphorus. Without a tooth, the body redirects these minerals, which leads to weakening of the jaw. Teeth surrounding an empty tooth socket can drift toward the space, which results in malocclusion. If possible, opt for root canal therapy to avoid complications from tooth loss. Otherwise, you may need a dental implant or bridge to replace your missing tooth.

Root Canal Therapy

A root canal could possibly be the most misunderstood dental procedure. The name sounds threatening, and it’s all we need to hear before seriously considering simply having the tooth extracted. But a root canal can save your tooth. To do so, Dr. Quinter removes the nerve and pulp from your tooth, then cleans and seals the tooth. This procedure prevents infection of surrounding tissue. Without a root canal, your tooth nerve can be irritated and cause a number of problems, like swelling and bone loss around the area of the infected tooth. The accompanying pain could make you want to have your tooth extracted, but with a root canal, you only need one treatment plan to end discomfort, and you can keep your natural tooth.

Schedule an Appointment with Your Milford Dentist

Dr. Quinter offers root canal therapy that can end pain, prevent the spread of infection, and retain your tooth. Talk with him to learn more about the procedure and how a root canal can improve your oral health. Call our 06460 family dentistry office at (203) 878-6699 to schedule an appointment. We welcome patients from Milford, Orange, Woodmont, West Haven and all neighboring communities.